
Tuesday, September 20, 2011

texture and animals

7th graders created realistic pen drawings of animals. The focus was on achieving visual textures. Amazing results!

Patriotic collaboration

Students in Art 8 were given a 1.5" x 1.5" square from a photograph. They were to enlarge that small square to an 8" x 8" drawing copying shapes and values as exact as possible.


contours and patterns

6th graders created drawings of still life items. Next they added two intersecting lines and filled in the resulting composition with different patterns. The results were beautiful!

Shoes, Shoes....glorious shoes

Shoes are an excellent thing to teach basic contour drawing skills. Students in 8th grade drew their shoes realistically and then used view finders to zero in on one part of the composition. They then created a warm or cool color scheme painting of the design.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Sculpture installations

In 3-D art, 8th graders created tape casts specifically designed for certain areas of the school. They created a message that was to be communicated through sculpture. Students communicated the joy of music, anti-bullying campaigns and school rules. These sculptures have caused quite the reaction!

Wednesday, September 14, 2011


I had an amazing summer! I had the opportunity to go on a missions trip to Baja, Mexico. It was a life changing experience that I hope to incorporate into my classroom this year.

We are off to a great start in the art room. As we finish up portfolios, we are looking to move on to learning the basic building blocks of art: the elements and principles of design.

8th graders: Sketchbook assignments will be posted soon. We are going to be creating a combination of sketchbook and visual journal. Don't forget to begin saving your "fodder"!