
Friday, October 26, 2012

pop art

 Students created portraits of famous people utilizing the characteristics of Roy Lichtenstein's work.  The hall is lined with everyone from Marilyn Monroe to Taylor Swift.

Keepin' it in perspective

 8th grade artists were introduced to perspective drawing this week.  We are beginning with basic 1 point exercises and will progress to 2 point and multiple point perspective later.  The drawings below represent basic block numbers and letters drawn in perspective.

hanging out......

Students have finished adding their final installations at school.  There is a sculpture hanging out on a swing as you enter the building and a pyramid installation near the gym.  The sculptures are a huge hit and the 3-D art students are very proud of their work!

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Installation Sculptures

Students are beginning to create installation sites for their tape cast sculptures.  The one pictured is located outside of the nurse's office and creates a statement about the dangers of bulimia.


Students in 3-d art just finished creating ceramic masks which included a cultural influence.

Friday, September 28, 2012

transparent bodies...?

Students in 3-D art are working on creating installation sculptures for the school.  We are having a lot of fun creating tape casts of bodies in motion.  Check out our progress...

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

transforming value

Students created value studies of photographs using India ink.  They were then required to transform those values into a monochromatic painting.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

contour and value studies

Students have been working on basic contour and value drawings.  With the crushed soda cans, students have to distinguish between value created by the light and also the local value created by the color of the object.  I am excited about the progress.  We will be moving on to portraits next week and utilizing ink washes to create value.  Once students get a firm grasp on value, we can begin introducing color!

Thursday, August 23, 2012


Don't forget to personalize your journal covers and get your back to school papers signed.  We are off to a great start and I look forward to discovering more about each of you through your journals.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

welcome back 2012

I had an amazing summer and hope you all did as well. Welcome back to Middle School Art! I am looking forward to our year together.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Skyline Drive: REFI Grant trip!

25 students and 4 chaperones headed to Skyline Drive. We hiked to Dark Hollow Falls and spent an amazing day painting the sites!