7th graders created realistic pen drawings of animals. The focus was on achieving visual textures. Amazing results!
Discover the creative geniuses that walk the halls of Hillyard!
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
texture and animals
7th graders created realistic pen drawings of animals. The focus was on achieving visual textures. Amazing results!
Patriotic collaboration
contours and patterns
Shoes, Shoes....glorious shoes
Thursday, September 15, 2011
Sculpture installations
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
I had an amazing summer! I had the opportunity to go on a missions trip to Baja, Mexico. It was a life changing experience that I hope to incorporate into my classroom this year.
We are off to a great start in the art room. As we finish up portfolios, we are looking to move on to learning the basic building blocks of art: the elements and principles of design.
8th graders: Sketchbook assignments will be posted soon. We are going to be creating a combination of sketchbook and visual journal. Don't forget to begin saving your "fodder"!
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Welcome Ms. Castrodale!
Thursday, March 3, 2011
collaborative art work

20 different students from 2-d art class collaborated to create this portrait of our assistant principal. Each student received several 1" squares that they enlarged to a 5" square. Their goal was to try to recreate the values as exact as possible. When they were finished, we put all the squares together and to their surprise, they recognized who they had created.
sketchbook due 3-14
• But you are the only human on earth who has met them! It is up to you to tell their story! Make a full page, color composition and tell the world the news that everyone is waiting breathlessly to hear: What do they look like? What can they do? Where are they from? What language do they speak? Why are they here? What are their names? How did they get here?
• Ok to include words, descriptions, or labels with your drawings. Make them attractive, as part of your page layout.
• Plan the whole page of your color composition-- You can include backgrounds and you can use more than 1 picture - like snapshots, closeups, families
sketchbook 3-7
Use Color ----- Fill the Page
Make a six letter word (or more). Your word can have repeat letters (like: Betty B.) but you can't use repeat letter people. Each letter is a new solution. Plan it first so the drawings will all fit!
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Sketchbook Due 2-28
I think every household has a
"junk drawer" - that drawer that's filled with all the "stuff" no one knows what to do with. Open the drawer, don't move anything, and draw what you see as a modified contour drawing.
--Do the drawing very lightly in pencil- no black marker
--You can make the drawing in a 7" x 9" rectangle.
--Don't be obsessed with realism! Let the drawing be loose! Fill the page! (or the rectangle.)
After completing the pencil drawing, now outline in felt tip marker.
Then layer colored pencil in interesting ways.
What color scheme/approach can you invent?
Flying the coop....
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
2 pt. perspective names
contour & charcoal drawings
Thursday, February 10, 2011
sketchbook Due 2-21
• Do a page full (20 to 25) of "mini" blind and modified blind contour drawings. (May take 2 facing pages.)
• These are quick studies of people/children in different positions doing things.
• Perhaps --- go to a park or a sporting event of some kind. Observe and Quickly draw people being active
Do this in pen please!!
After the contour drawings are done:
Add some color accents
Finish the page in an interesting way.
JMU art Show
The opening is from 2 - 3:30 on Sunday, but you may go by Memorial Hall anytime between 8 am and 8 pm, Monday through Friday to check out our students' work.
Please come out and support the following students as they are honored for their talents:
Dorothy Alliata-Shipp
Natasha Shenk
Cody Shifflett
Megan Miller
Lily McMichael
Monday, February 7, 2011
sketchbook Due 2-14
Two techniques to practice that make objects in your drawing look closer or further away:
1. Overlapping
2. Change in baseline "Bottle Landscapes"
Everyone knows that things that are further away from us look smaller. But what if you can't rely on size to tell the story? This assignment uses plastic bottles, which can be any size. How do you make a big detergent bottle look like it's sitting behind a little eyedrops bottle?
• Things that are partially covered by another object are seen as being behind the object: (overlapping)
• Things that are further away are drawn higher on the picture plane. Their bases (bottoms) will be placed higher on the page than the bottles that are supposed to be closer.
Assignment: Draw one bottle at a time, and do a contour line drawing of it, starting anywhere on your page. Then do the same thing with another bottle. Fill your page with overlapping bottle shapes. Bottles that are meant to be in front must have a base that is lower on the page than the object that is behind it.
Warning: If the bottom of your front object is higher than the one behind it, your front object will appear to be floating in the air!
For a EXTRA CREDIT: shade EACH BOTTLE with smooth pencil gradations to create the appearance of
Friday, January 28, 2011
sketchbook guidelines
What am I looking for in a sketchbook assignment?
Students should spend one to two hours on each sketchbook assignment. You will have an opportunity to do some of the work in class, but any work not completed during class is HOMEWORK.
Usually, sketchbook assignments are worth 100 points. You don't want to blow them off. A zero is hard to recover from if you don't turn in a sketchbook assignment.
Tips: |
Think about your drawing as you plan it... have you used several of the elements of art (line, shape, form, space, value, color, and texture) in a special way? |
"Grading Procedures"
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Grading Categories | Category Scores (1-20 points) |
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Fulfilled all points of assignment | 1-25 |
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Used entire page | 1-25 |
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Page is well designed / interesting composition | 1-25 |
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Time and effort (1 & 1/2 hours) is evident in craftsmanship and detail. | 1-25 |
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minus late deduction |
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Total score: | sum of above |
8th grade sketchbook assignment: Due Feb. 7 or 8
- - - - S k e t c h b o o k - - - A s s i g n m e n t - - - -
"Pen & Ink Shading" There are seven basic strokes used to shade with pen and ink.
In your sketchbook, use a minimum of five different types of strokes to shade from black to white. Fill the page.Try to go from light to dark in the sections. The areas can be any shape; they don't have to be rectangles. PEN & INK STROKES
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